After Gateshead Health set out its ambition to become a Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health in the region, the organisation’s Occupational Health and Wellbeing Team felt it important to reflect that attention, focus and calibre of support within our workforce.

With this in mind, work began to begin to craft a catalogue of support across the priority areas outlined within the NHS England Women’s Health Strategy, namely:

  • Menstrual health and gynaecological conditions
  • Fertility, pregnancy, pregnancy loss and postnatal support
  • Menopause
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Cancers
  • Health impacts of violence against women and girls
  • Healthy ageing and long-term conditions

Here, you will be able to easily access support, signposting and further information around each of these topics – aiming to boost understanding and access to support around some of the most common health concerns women face, and play our part in moving away from the ‘male as default’ approach that has traditionally been seen in healthcare prior.

Please note this area remains under development.