Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) is a term that covers a range of abuses that disproportionately affect women. This is inclusive of domestic abuse, sexual assault, stalking, honour-based violence and harassment.

In the United Kingdom, VAWG is a particularly serious and widespread issue, and one which can often create a devastating and long-lasting impact on the health, wellbeing and safety of women and girls. An estimated 2.3 million of women aged between 16 – 74 experienced some form of domestic abuse in 2020. Elsewhere, 1.6 million would experience sexual assault in 2019 – further demonstrating the prevelance of the issue in Britain.

Troublingly, VAWG crimes often go underreported and underprosecuted. Only 15% of women who experience sexual assault report this to the policy, while as of 2020, only 1.5% of rape cases resulted in a charge or summons.

The UK government has acknowledged the need to make VAWG a national priority in order to protect women and girls from harm. To that end, the launch of a national ‘Tackling VAWG  Strategy’ was welcome in 2021 – but while progress has been made since, there is clearly still some way to go.

Here, you can learn more about violence against women and girls, and learn more about some of the support options that may be available to you if you’re in the unfortunate situation where you may need it.