False accusations can be devastating for staff who dedicate their career to looking after the health and wellbeing of their patients.

Such is the importance of safeguarding our patients, accusations can lead to action per the organisation’s Investigation and Disciplinary Policy (PP01). This can leave the falsely accused party facing consequences such as being placed under investigation or being suspended from duty. While these do not in themselves constitute disciplinary action and are precautionary measures, they can still feel unfair in the context of being targeted having done nothing wrong.

Furthermore, accusations can undermine credibility, impact our confidence and damage our mental health. Those who embark on any kind of process to clear their name – whether an investigation, police involvement or otherwise, may also feel a sense of isolation due to the need to maintain confidentiality during the process, making things all the more difficult.

This page thereby exists to share more information on what actions you may be able to take if you are the victim of false accusations, moves to avoid and the support options available to you.